Dear Women

Dear Women


You must remember

You are strong

You matter

You have an important voice

You can make a change


Dear Women


Know that this is real

Know that we belong

Know that we can share the spotlight

Know that we must unite

Know that we are the same


Dear Women


I believe in the possibilities

I believe in the past

I believe in the future

I believe in the now

I believe in us


Dear Women

We have come so far

We have farther to go

We will continue on

We will find our reality

We celebrate the day, as it finally is ours




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An Offering For the King


Monday January 11th

Yesterday David Bowie died

A pall fell over the world

So many hearts shattered at the news

He was only 69 by 2 days

But Cancer had its way

I appreciated him and his life

Yet I was not in His anointed class

They who were strange for the sake of being strange

He was only 69 by 2 days

But cancer had its way


I grew up with him around

As if He were an Uncle, or family friend

One like the stars, always present


He was only 69 by 2 days

But cancer had its way

Just like the Sun blotting out the Stars

Death cannot keep him from us

He is permanent and real


He was only 69 by 2 days

But cancer had its way

I feel deep sorrow for those who worshiped him

Perhaps in death His deification will be set

A new religion is born

A crown of light upon the StarKing adorns



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My Dance with Forever

Monday December 14th

My Dance with Forever

Yesterday I took time out to stand upon my Mountain

I went beyond my typical haunts and found a little niche just for me

It was a beautiful spot that overlooked the whole valley

The air was crisp and beautiful and the birds sang to me

I photographed the immense surrounding mountains

Snow capped a few and life, the others

Clouds shrouded the peaks

Their whispy hands lingered on the trees and the precipice

A mischievous Blue Jay dodged my photos like invading shots

The glorious site my eyes drank in melted my icy hands

I could not feel the cold because I was wrapped in the warming love of my Mother, the Earth

She regulated my breath helped me feel alive and brought me to myself

Though the landscape was the chief beauty, the Clouds put on a glorious show

They began by changing the Sun

At first making him blush by their attention, then glow with radiant love

They slowly traveled to the glorious tops and whispered sweetly to them

Their majestic dance was ethereal and profound

As they left the cliffs, they swirled and danced, like the Dervishes of old

The whole of this experience took place in the span of thirty minutes’ time

The remembered glory of that moment will give it life eternal

And how very lucky I was to witness this glory of glories!

Perhaps I shall dance to the song of forever for witnessing them




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The Dog That Barks, Barks For You

Wednesday December 9th

            I was just musing about the dog next door. You see, it barks day and night. The owners rarely keep it quiet and it seems to bark at the most inopportune times –like first thing in the morning. I was pondering how I can approach its violent, shrill, voice with Love, instead of going to its level of insanity. I thought on its purpose for me. I realized that in my own Omnipotent fantasies, I assumed that the dog only barks when I am home. –As if I can tell when I am not here. So I wondered then why it barks when I am here. I thought, “Maybe it barks to keep me present.” For, much like its 6 -7 -8am sound off, I find myself wide “awake” when it happens throughout the day. –This thought brought me into the warm embrace of Love. For how can I ever thank the one who causes me to see when I am blind? –Who takes away the numbness and helps me feel?



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Mountains of Love

November 29th

The vast expanse of the mountain fills me

Its beauty justifies me

Here, I am whole


When embosomed in Its heart

I am fully alive

I feel, I see, I know all


Set me inside of the earth, anytime

And I am free

I am home

I am happy



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Friday November 27th

[Black Friday]


The world is hustling and bustling outside

I wish to stay away

Money is being spent and people are fighting

Every second someone is hurt

I don’t understand the holidays

What have they become?

They all stand for things I am totally against

At least in this incarnation

Consumerism scares and confuses me

It saddens me how many think they are better for their purchases

How nasty that we only see love any more in dollar signs

“If Daddy, Mommy, Sister, Brother, Uncle, Boyfriend love me, they would buy it”

What treasures we hold within our own hearts and minds

We can give so much without spending a dime!

Each Woman, Child, and Man has their own important gifts they can give

Yet we rarely share them because we are too caught up in the Black Friday culture we live in

Children are taught their worth through dollars and cents

But we are rich beyond such things

How very sad that humanity has been stunted by trade and commerce

We could do so much more, but are stuck worrying about the haves and the have-nots




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Wednesday November 25th


I long for depth

I wish to explore in

The deepest caves of thought

In a world of

Internet Scholars

I wish to graduate to Reality

I crave that which

Is widely unknown

To live off of knowledge

I cannot survive

On Cliff’s Notes alone

Anecdotes will be the death of me

In the Kingdom

Of the Drones

I will live off the Marrow of Thought



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Monday November 23rd




Each day is a new expanse

I creep into obscurity

Through a fragile Snail’s shell

Living Singularly

Is as bittersweet as a

Cemetery laden with fog & chatting Ravens

I float freely from moment to moment

Yet I hope for a tether

For a Heart to call home

Expanding, growing, changing

I dance in the Mountain Rain

Charmed by the crisp, clean, air

I am the Raven in the Necropolis

I am the flaky Snail’s shell

I am the safest Heart

I am the Mountain Rain

I am nothing, I am everything

I open and close

I await.



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C.asual M.anipulations

C.asual M.anipulations

With growth comes pain
We step forward, legs quivering, hearts racing
But we march on

The fire hurts
Yet we don’t look back
We carry on

When the worst comes from our truths
We learn to speak without shame
The worst is only as bad as we allow

Loss of relations is nothing new
The vine grows upward
When the offshoots are trimmed back

Freedom exists if we hold it
We cannot find it in another
Our lives are defined by this

Alysia Markoe (c)

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Not a cry

When my life ceases

And releases this mortal cocoon

Fear not

Weep not

I will be one with the things I love

All manner of Morose & Morbid

Dancing in the dark with the great unknown

Frolicking with the bizarre

Weep not for me

Smile and know I will be filled with glee

-AMJ (c)2015

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