Monthly Archives: January 2016

An Offering For the King


Monday January 11th

Yesterday David Bowie died

A pall fell over the world

So many hearts shattered at the news

He was only 69 by 2 days

But Cancer had its way

I appreciated him and his life

Yet I was not in His anointed class

They who were strange for the sake of being strange

He was only 69 by 2 days

But cancer had its way


I grew up with him around

As if He were an Uncle, or family friend

One like the stars, always present


He was only 69 by 2 days

But cancer had its way

Just like the Sun blotting out the Stars

Death cannot keep him from us

He is permanent and real


He was only 69 by 2 days

But cancer had its way

I feel deep sorrow for those who worshiped him

Perhaps in death His deification will be set

A new religion is born

A crown of light upon the StarKing adorns



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